REBECCA (Hansen) PARKER, "Becky"
• Philanthropy
• Community Development
Inducted: 2022
REBECCA (Hansen) PARKER, "Becky"
Rebecca Parker has more than thirty-five years of recognized achievement in Alaska’s business, civic, resource development, community, philanthropy, and political arenas. She is a change agent and visionary – leaving an indelible imprint on every important endeavor she touches.
She serves as Executive Director of the Anchorage Senior Activity Center, managing the 35,000-square-foot facility that enjoys over 1750 members. Her thorough knowledge of philanthropy and its resources ensures secure funding through grants and signature fundraising events. In addition, her commitment to compassionate service and astute management ensures the well-being of her staff and members. Most importantly, she serves our entire community as she mentors other philanthropic organizations and individuals.
Her achievements while serving for twenty years as ARCO’s Community Relations Director include effective management of a multi-million-dollar contributions budget and providing her professional qualities to other positions she subsequently held at Commonwealth North (Executive Director), Providence Alaska Foundation (President), Alaska Health and Social Services (Special Assistant), Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (Stakeholder Relations Manager), and Blood Bank of Alaska (Major Gifts Officer). In addition, she excelled in being a leader to these and many organizations by helping them strategize and program-building while achieving laudable success in her jobs.
Parker has served on many boards of directors in Alaska’s communities. Currently, she provides her expertise on the AGENET board (statewide advocacy for senior citizens) and the Governor’s Commission of “Serve Alaska.” In addition, she is a past president of Downtown Rotary and a member of the ATHENA Society.
The underserved have a respected advocate in Parker; she is an ardent philanthropist, a passionate activist for community service, and an effective mentor. She is always ready to help, providing leadership, dignity, compassion, and respect.
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