MARIE (Hanna) Wingate DARLIN
• Human Resource Management
• Volunteer
• History
Inducted: 2015
Deceased: 2018
MARIE (Hanna) Wingate DARLIN
Marie Darlin demonstrates what an individual can achieve in a lifetime, in her case more than 89 years. She is a life-long resident of Juneau. After raising two daughters, being widowed twice, and working more than 30 years in human resource management, Darlin embarked on a second 30-year career as a volunteer to help seniors and women and to help preserve Alaska’s past. For every organization, among them the National Association of Retired Federal Employees, AARP, Alaska Medical Care Advisory Committee, Alaska Commission on Aging, Juneau-Douglas City Museum, Gastineau Channel Historical Society, and Pioneers of Alaska, Marie has served in leadership positions.
For years every Alaska state legislator has known her by name. Darlin is an inspiration to the people who have worked with her, and has helped many of them learn to advocate effectively for important social and cultural issues.
Presenting Darlin with a proclamation honoring her in 2013, City and Borough of Juneau Mayor Merrill Sanford said her “volunteering in organizations that make Juneau and the entire state of Alaska better places to live make her an exemplary model for all citizens to follow.” Darlin’s leadership and advocacy have made a difference in the lives of many.
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